
Links to interesting sites related to SciFi-models:


Tim Ketzer´s Site

Tim built the Northstar Enterprise and has lots of interesting objects and projects on his site


Alfred Wongs Site

Alfred does commision work and is an expert model maker. He built the Millennium Falcon.


Randy Coopers Blog

Randy is also an expert model maker. He made the kits for the Blockade Runner and the Star Destroyer, among many other things


Resin Illuminati

Forum for Resin model builders


Starship Modeler

Good source for reference material


Starship Modeler Forum

Very nice and open discussion forum about all aspects of SciFi Modelling


Replica Prop Forum

Interesting forum concerning props and models


Starship Builder

Interesting forum concerning SciFi models and reference material



Shop, Forum and Galleries about SciFi models


Federation Models

Lots of cool unusual models to spent your money on


Scale Solutions

Nice models from australia


Don´s Light and Magic

Enhancement and lighting of SciFi models


Testors Scale Workshop

Lots of helpful tips per video


Thomas Models

Tons of buildups and descriptions by the man that mastered the Polar Lights Enterprise


StarWars Models

Helpful resource with everything related to Star Wars models


Hobby Link Japan

They have some interesting models, e.g. the Finemolds and Bandai kits


Starbase 8 (German)

Eine gute Quelle für alles im Bereich SciFi


Phoxim (German)

Sehr interessante Seite mit Tips und Gallerien über SciFi Modelle


Das Modellboard (German)

Allgemeines Forum zum Thema Modellbau